How to Get Your Blanket to Stop Shedding Everywhere

How to Get Your Blanket to Stop Shedding Everywhere

Are you tired of constantly finding strands of your blanket’s fabric all over your furniture and clothes? Dealing with a shedding blanket can be frustrating, but fear not, there are steps you can take to minimize this issue. First and foremost, make sure to wash your blanket properly to remove any loose fibers that may be contributing to the shedding. Additionally, opt for a lint roller or tape to quickly pick up any loose strands on your furniture and clothing. Finally, if shedding persists, consider investing in a fabric defuzzer to gently remove excess fibers from the blanket’s surface. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your favorite blanket without the added hassle of shedding everywhere.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose high-quality materials: Look for blankets made of natural fibers such as wool, cotton, or bamboo to minimize shedding.
  • Wash with care: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing and drying your blanket to prevent excess shedding.
  • Use a lint roller or brush: Regularly remove loose fibers from your blanket with a lint roller or brush to reduce shedding.
  • Avoid friction: Minimize rubbing or friction on your blanket to prevent fibers from loosening and shedding.
  • Invest in a blanket cover: Consider using a cover to protect your blanket and minimize shedding, especially if you have pets or if shedding is a common issue.

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Factors Influencing Shedding

While you may be frustrated with your blanket shedding everywhere, it’s important to understand the factors that influence shedding. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Fiber type: Certain types of fibers, such as wool or mohair, are more prone to shedding than others.
  • Weave: The tightness of the weave can impact shedding, with looser weaves shedding more than tight weaves.
  • Age of the blanket: Older blankets may shed more as the fibers break down over time.
  • Quality of materials: Lower quality materials are more likely to shed than high-quality ones.

Recognizing these factors can help you address the shedding issues with new blankets and prevent future shedding problems.

Material Considerations

When it comes to addressing shedding, the material of your blanket plays a crucial role. Synthetic materials such as polyester are more likely to shed than natural fibers like cotton or linen. The type of material used in your blanket can determine how much shedding you can expect, so it’s important to consider this when making a purchase.

Manufacturing Quality

The way your blanket is manufactured also impacts shedding. Higher quality blankets are made with better craftsmanship and attention to detail, resulting in less shedding. When choosing a new blanket, pay attention to the manufacturing quality to minimize shedding in the long run.

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Preparation Steps

After noticing that your blanket sheds everywhere, it’s time to take action. Before trying any method to stop the shedding, it’s essential to prepare your blanket properly to ensure the best results. Here are the preparation steps you should take before attempting to stop your blanket from shedding.

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Initial Wash Techniques

Before attempting any shedding prevention methods, it’s essential to give your blanket a thorough initial wash. Use a gentle detergent and cold water to wash the blanket in your washing machine. Avoid using fabric softener as it can actually increase shedding. Once washed, air dry the blanket to prevent any further shedding caused by heat. This initial wash will remove any excess loose fibers and prepare the blanket for the next steps in preventing shedding.

Freezing Your Blanket

Another preparation step to consider is freezing your blanket. This may sound unusual, but it can be an effective way to minimize shedding. Simply place your blanket in a plastic bag and pop it in the freezer for a few hours. The cold temperature will help lock in any loose fibers, reducing shedding. After freezing, remove the blanket from the bag and shake it out to remove any frozen fibers. This simple step can make a significant difference in the shedding of your blanket.

Long-Term Care Tips

Lastly, to keep your blanket in excellent condition and prevent shedding in the long term, there are several important tips to keep in mind.

  • Regular grooming: By regularly grooming your blanket, you can remove any loose fibers and prevent shedding.
  • Proper washing and drying: Following the correct washing and drying guidelines will help maintain the integrity of the fabric and reduce shedding.
  • Adequate storage: Proper storage solutions can protect your blanket from dust, dirt, and damage, ultimately reducing shedding.

Recognizing these long-term care tips will help you keep your blanket looking and feeling great for years to come.

Proper Washing and Drying Guidelines

When it comes to washing and drying your blanket, it’s essential to follow proper guidelines to minimize shedding. Always use a gentle cycle and cool water when washing your blanket to prevent damage to the fibers. Additionally, avoid using high heat when drying, as this can cause the fibers to become brittle and increase shedding. By following these guidelines, you can help maintain the integrity of your blanket and reduce shedding over time.

Adequate Storage Solutions

Proper storage is crucial for preventing shedding in the long term. When not in use, store your blanket in a breathable cotton bag to protect it from dust and dirt. Avoid storing it in plastic, as this can trap moisture and lead to potential damage and shedding. By investing in adequate storage solutions, you can ensure that your blanket remains in optimal condition and shedding is kept to a minimum.

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Advanced Solutions

Despite your best efforts, you may find that your blanket continues to shed excessively. If this is the case, there are some advanced solutions you can consider to tackle the issue.

  1. Investing in Professional Treatments: If you are still struggling with excessive shedding despite regular maintenance, it may be time to seek professional treatments for your blanket. Professional cleaning and conditioning services can help restore the fibers of your blanket and reduce shedding.
  2. Alternative Non-Shedding Blanket Materials: Certain blanket materials are less prone to shedding compared to others. Consider investing in blankets made from materials such as bamboo, silk, or microfiber, which are known for their minimal shedding properties.
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Investing in Professional Treatments

If you have tried various methods to reduce shedding from your blanket but have not seen significant improvement, investing in professional treatments may be the next step. Professional cleaning and conditioning services can effectively target the causes of shedding and restore the integrity of the blanket’s fibers, ultimately reducing shedding. While this may involve some additional cost, it can be a worthwhile investment in prolonging the life of your blanket and minimizing the mess caused by shedding.

Alternative Non-Shedding Blanket Materials

If shedding continues to be a persistent issue despite your efforts, you may want to consider switching to a blanket made from alternative non-shedding materials. Blankets made from materials such as bamboo, silk, or microfiber are known for their minimal shedding properties. By switching to a blanket made from these materials, you can significantly reduce the amount of shedding and enjoy a cleaner, more comfortable bedding experience.

How to Get Your Blanket to Stop Shedding Everywhere

From above tips and tricks, you should now have a better understanding of how to prevent your blanket from shedding everywhere. By following simple steps such as washing your blanket with vinegar, using a lint roller, and air-drying it, you can significantly reduce the shedding and enjoy a cleaner, more comfortable blanket. Remember to also regularly groom your blankets to keep shedding at bay. By implementing these practices, you will be able to keep your blanket looking and feeling its best for a long time to come.


Q: Why is my blanket shedding everywhere?

A: Blankets can shed due to various reasons such as low-quality materials, improper washing, or excessive wear and tear. Understanding the cause will help in finding the most effective solution for stopping the shedding.

Q: How can I stop my blanket from shedding?

A: To reduce shedding, try washing the blanket with a gentle detergent, using a fabric softener, and drying it on a low heat setting. Additionally, regular grooming with a lint roller or vacuuming can help remove loose fibers and prevent shedding.

Q: What type of blankets are less likely to shed?

A: Blankets made from natural fibers such as cotton, wool, or silk are less likely to shed compared to synthetic materials. Investing in high-quality blankets and following proper care instructions can also help minimize shedding.