How to Clean a Comforter in the Tub – Easy Steps

How to Clean a Comforter in the Tub – Easy Steps

Chances are, you’ve never thought about cleaning your comforter in the tub. But, believe it or not, it’s actually a simple and effective way to get your comforter looking brand new. In this blog post, I will show you exactly how to do it in a few easy steps. First, you’ll want to fill your tub with warm water and a mild detergent. Next, submerge your comforter and agitate it gently to loosen any dirt and grime. Then, you’ll need to rinse it thoroughly and finally, check out this related question on Quora for extra tips on how to get your comforter looking and feeling clean. So, let’s get started and breathe new life into your cozy comforter.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use a gentle detergent: When cleaning a comforter in the tub, be sure to use a gentle detergent to avoid damage to the fabric.
  • Soak the comforter: Allow the comforter to soak in the soapy water for at least 15-20 minutes to help loosen dirt and stains.
  • Agitate the water: Gently move the comforter around in the tub to help dislodge dirt and ensure even cleaning.
  • Rinse thoroughly: After cleaning, be sure to rinse the comforter several times to ensure all detergent is removed.
  • Air dry properly: Hang the comforter outside or in a well-ventilated area to ensure it dries completely and prevent mold and mildew growth.

cleaning comforter in tub simple steps - How to Clean a Comforter in the Tub - Easy Steps

cleaning comforter in tub simple steps - How to Clean a Comforter in the Tub - Easy Steps

Preparation Steps

Any task requires proper preparation, and cleaning your comforter in the tub is no exception. Before you begin, you’ll need to assess your comforter’s material and gather the necessary supplies. Let’s go through each of these preparation steps to ensure a successful and effective cleaning process.

Assessing Your Comforter’s Material

Before you start cleaning your comforter, it’s important to know what material it is made of. Some comforters may require special care, such as those made of down or delicate fabrics. Check the care label for any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. If you’re unsure about the material, you can also consult with a professional cleaner for advice on the best cleaning methods for your particular comforter.

Gathering Necessary Supplies

Once you’ve identified the material of your comforter, it’s time to gather the necessary supplies for the cleaning process. You will need a mild laundry detergent, a bathtub, lukewarm water, a soft brush or sponge, and a drying rack or clothesline. It’s important to use a mild detergent to avoid damaging the fabric of your comforter. Additionally, make sure the bathtub is clean and free of any residue that could transfer onto your comforter during the cleaning process. Having these supplies ready will ensure a smooth and effective cleaning experience.

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cleaning comforter in tub simple steps - How to Clean a Comforter in the Tub - Easy Steps

How to Clean Your Comforter in the Tub

To clean your comforter in the tub, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps to ensure that it gets thoroughly cleaned without causing any damage to the fabric. It’s a straightforward process that can be done in the comfort of your own home, and it will leave your comforter looking and feeling fresh and clean.

Pre-Cleaning Tips

Before you begin washing your comforter in the tub, there are a few important pre-cleaning tips that you should keep in mind to ensure the best results:

  • Check the care label on your comforter for any specific instructions or limitations, such as dry-clean only or hand-wash only.
  • Inspect the comforter for any stains and spot treat them with a mild detergent before submerging it in the water.
  • Ensure that the tub is clean and free of any debris or dirt before filling it with water.

Assume that your comforter is not machine washable unless the care label explicitly states that it is safe for machine washing.

Step-By-Step Washing Guide

When washing your comforter in the tub, it’s important to follow a step-by-step guide to ensure that it gets thoroughly cleaned without causing any damage to the fabric:

Step Description
1 Fill the tub with lukewarm water until it is about one-third full.
2 Add a small amount of mild detergent to the water and mix it thoroughly.
3 Submerge the comforter in the water and gently agitate it to ensure that it gets evenly soaked.
4 Allow the comforter to soak in the water for at least 15-20 minutes to help loosen any dirt or debris.
5 Gently squeeze the comforter to release any excess water before draining the tub.
6 Rinse the comforter thoroughly with clean water to remove any soapy residue.
7 Gently squeeze the comforter again to remove excess water before laying it flat to dry.

Post-Cleaning Care

Now that you have successfully cleaned your comforter in the tub, it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure its longevity and continued freshness. For more detailed information on washing comforters, you can also check out this article on How to Wash a Comforter in 4 Easy Steps.

Tips for Effectively Drying Your Comforter

When it comes to drying your comforter after cleaning, there are a few important things to keep in mind to prevent damage and ensure that it is thoroughly dried. To start, make sure that you dry your comforter on low heat in the dryer to avoid damaging the fibers and causing shrinkage. It’s also recommended to add a few clean tennis balls to the dryer to help fluff up the comforter and prevent clumping. If the comforter is too large for your dryer, air drying is also an option. Regularly fluffing and turning the comforter during the drying process will help it dry more evenly and quickly. And remember, never use high heat or iron on the comforter as it can damage the fabric.

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Maintaining Comforter Freshness between Washes

Even after a thorough cleaning, it’s important to maintain the freshness of your comforter between washes. One way to do this is by regularly airing out the comforter by hanging it outside in the sunshine. This can help to eliminate any lingering odors and bacteria. Additionally, using a duvet cover can help protect the comforter from dirt and oils, prolonging the time between washes. If you notice any stains or spills on the comforter, spot cleaning them as soon as possible can prevent them from setting in and becoming more difficult to remove. Thou should also consider using a fabric refresher to keep your comforter smelling fresh between washes.


Taking this into account, cleaning your comforter in the tub is an effective and economical way to maintain its quality and cleanliness. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your comforter remains in top condition without the expense of dry cleaning. Additionally, using gentle detergents and proper drying techniques will help to prolong the lifespan of your comforter. With these easy steps, you can easily keep your comforter clean and cozy all year round.


Q: Can I clean a comforter in the tub?

A: Yes, you can clean a comforter in the tub using a few easy steps. It is a cost-effective method and can be very effective in getting your comforter clean.

Q: What supplies do I need to clean a comforter in the tub?

A: To clean a comforter in the tub, you will need mild detergent, a soft-bristled brush, and a large tub or basin. Additionally, you may also need a fabric softener or vinegar for rinsing.

Q: What are the steps to clean a comforter in the tub?

A: First, fill the tub with warm water and add the mild detergent. Submerge the comforter in the water and gently agitate it with the soft-bristled brush. Drain the soapy water and refill the tub with clean water for rinsing. Finally, gently squeeze out the excess water and hang the comforter to dry.