How to Sew Pillow with Piping – DIY Sewing Guide

How to Sew Pillow with Piping – DIY Sewing Guide

This comprehensive DIY sewing guide will walk you through the process of creating a professional-looking pillow with piping. Adding piping to your pillows not only elevates their aesthetic appeal but also adds durability to the seams. Follow these step-by-step instructions to master the art of sewing piping onto your pillows, perfect for adding a custom touch to your home decor. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned sewer, this guide will empower you to create polished, personalized pillows that will make a statement in any room. Get ready to level up your sewing skills and impress your friends and family with your handmade creations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose the right fabric: Select a durable fabric for the pillow cover and a coordinating fabric for the piping that complements the overall design.
  • Measure and cut accurately: Take precise measurements of your pillow form and cut the fabric and piping strips accordingly to ensure a snug and professional finish.
  • Attach piping with care: Sew the piping onto the fabric using a zipper foot attachment on your sewing machine and secure the ends neatly for a polished look.

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Preparing Your Materials

Selecting the Right Fabrics

Even before you start sewing, it is vital to choose the right fabrics for your pillow project. Look for durable and high-quality materials that will withstand everyday use and washing. Consider the aesthetic you want to achieve and select fabrics that complement your home decor.

Tools and Supplies Needed

Even before you probe the sewing process, you must gather all the necessary tools and supplies. You will need a sewing machine, scissors, pins, measuring tape, piping cord, fabric for the pillow cover, and coordinating thread. Ensuring you have all these items on hand will make your sewing process smoother and more efficient.

Understanding the importance of having the right tools and supplies will not only make your sewing project easier but also yield professional-looking results. Using sharp scissors will help you make precise cuts, while pinning the fabric properly will ensure accurate sewing. Having quality thread that matches your fabric will enhance the overall finish of your pillow with piping.

Cutting and Pinning

Measuring and Cutting Fabric Pieces

It is imperative to start with accurate measurements when cutting fabric pieces for your pillow project. Clearly mark the dimensions on the fabric using a fabric marker or chalk. Use sharp fabric shears to cut along the marked lines to ensure clean and precise edges.

Cutting and Attaching the Piping

To add a professional finishing touch to your pillow, you can incorporate piping along the edges. It adds dimension and structure to your project. To achieve this, carefully cut strips of fabric on the bias to create the piping. Then attach the piping to the edges of the fabric pieces before sewing them together.

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Understanding the technique of cutting and attaching piping is crucial for achieving a polished look for your pillow. The precise cutting of the fabric on the bias ensures that the piping conforms smoothly around the corners of the pillow. Pinning the piping in place before sewing helps to secure it and maintain a consistent seam allowance.

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Sewing Your Pillow

How-To: Sewing the Piping onto the Fabric

On the right side of the fabric, place the piping along the edge, aligning the raw edges. Using a zipper foot on your sewing machine can help get close to the piping. Sew as close to the piping cord as possible using a straight stitch. Trim the excess piping, leaving about half an inch of overlap.

Tips for Sewing the Pillow Seams

Your pillow seams are crucial for a professional look. Ensure your fabric is properly aligned before sewing to prevent crooked seams. It’s recommended to backstitch at the beginning and end of each seam for extra durability. Using clips instead of pins can help keep the fabric in place while sewing. Check the tension on your sewing machine to ensure even stitching throughout your project.

After sewing your pillow seams, press them with an iron to set the stitches and create crisp edges. This will give your pillow a polished and finished look.


When working with fabric, it’s important to be cautious of pins and needles to avoid accidental pricks. Double-check your measurements and markings before cutting to prevent costly mistakes. Choose a high-quality fabric that complements your decor and is easy to sew. Take your time and enjoy the process of creating something beautiful with your own hands.

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Finishing Touches

Many crafters love the professional touch that piping adds to a pillow. If you want to learn how to create a beautifully finished cushion with piping, check out this Cushion Cover with Piping – EASY Sewing Tutorial.

Turning and Stuffing the Pillow

An imperative step in completing your pillow is turning it right side out and carefully stuffing it. An evenly filled pillow will look plump and luxurious, so take your time to distribute the stuffing evenly. Ensure that the corners are adequately filled to give your pillow a well-rounded shape.

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Sewing the Closing Seam

With the pillow stuffed to your liking, it’s time to close up the seam. The closing seam is the final step in sealing your pillow and ensuring the stuffing stays in place. One important tip is to use a hand sewing needle and strong thread to create an invisible seam that secures the opening. Make sure to knot the thread securely at the end to prevent unraveling over time.

The closing seam should be tight and neat to maintain the overall polished look of your pillow. Take your time and sew slowly to ensure a clean and professional finish.

To wrap up

With this in mind, mastering the art of sewing a pillow with piping can elevate your home decor and sewing repertoire. By following this DIY sewing guide, you have learned the necessary steps to create a professional and polished finish. From choosing the right materials and measuring accurately to sewing the piping and attaching it to the pillow cover, you are now equipped with the know-how to tackle this project with confidence. So, gather your supplies, set up your sewing machine, and start creating beautifully piped pillows to add a touch of elegance to your living space.


Q: What supplies do I need to sew a pillow with piping?

A: To sew a pillow with piping, you will need fabric for the pillow front and back, piping cord, a zipper foot for your sewing machine, a zipper, thread, scissors, pins, and a sewing machine.

Q: How do I attach piping to my pillow?

A: To attach piping to your pillow, start by pinning the piping along the edge of the right side of the fabric. Use a zipper foot on your sewing machine to stitch as close to the piping cord as possible. Trim any excess piping and fabric, then baste the piping to the fabric before attaching the back piece of fabric.

Q: What is the process for sewing a pillow with piping?

A: The process for sewing a pillow with piping involves cutting out the front and back pieces of fabric, attaching the piping to the front piece, and then sewing the front and back pieces together with right sides facing. Leave an opening, turn the pillow right side out, insert the pillow form, and finally hand stitch the opening closed to complete your pillow with piping.